Kohi Talk Poster
Nihongo Book Club Poster
Nihongo Cinema

A note from our administrator


I decided to create this group to share my love of learning Japanese. The journey of discovering this beautiful language has been so enriching and fulfilling for me.  As I started my own learning process, I realized that there was something truly special about diving into the intricacies of culture and communication. 

I envisioned a space where we could swap learning tips, share resources that had proven helpful, and support one another through the inevitable challenges of language acquisition. I wanted to provide a supportive environment where no question was too basic, no accomplishment too small to celebrate.

Language learning is not just about words and grammar; it’s about understanding a different way of thinking, a new perspective on the world. It’s about opening doors to literature, movies, music, and traditions that would have remained closed without the key of language. I wanted to create a space where we could explore these facets together, where we could discuss cultural nuances and explore the nuances of the language in an engaging and immersive way.

So, I took the step to create this place – a virtual meeting place where learners of all levels could gather, share their stories, exchange insights, and motivate each other to keep progressing. Through this group, I hope to inspire others to embrace the joy of learning Japanese (and other languages), and to see it as an adventure rather than a chore. And in doing so, I’m confident that we will forge connections that extend beyond the confines of language itself, creating a tapestry of shared experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.

This group is not only about me. It’s about everyone who saw value in coming together and took a chance on this vision.

This one is for you!

